Material from notice sheets circulated in church in recent weeks will be posted on this page
12th November – Remembrance Sunday
REFORM MAGAZINE – It is time to order Reform for 2018. The printed edition costs £28 per year, the digital edition costs £18 per year, and the joint edition (printed and digital) costs £34 per year. Further details from Freda Waller. Cash or cheque made out to Freda personally (so she can send just one cheque to cover all the renewals), before next Sunday, 19th November. New subscriptions welcome.
People prepared to commit to occasional Thursdays at 12:00 noon, preparing a bible reading to share and be willing to pray with those who turn up. This is a very informal time, but appreciated. Please contact Ruth Crofton, if you are interested.
Thursday 16th November at 10:30 am
Bible Study in the Quiet Room
Thursday 16th November
Day Centre Prayer Drop-in at 12:00, lunch at 12:30 pm, and a short communion service at 1:30 pm
Thursday 16th – Sunday 19th November DURHAM LUMIERE
Can anyone help to serve refreshments at North Road Methodist Church during Lumiere. There will be 2 sessions each day, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm and 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. If you can help, please contact Annette at North Road, telephone 0191 373 7446
Saturday 18th November at 10:00 for 10:30am to 1:00 pm
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel – A Pre-Advent Quiet Morning at Jesmond URC, Newcastle, led by Revd Ruth Crofton. Please inform Alison Shiel if you will be attending email [email protected] or telephone 0191 281 3417
Thursday 30th November at 7:00 pm in the church
Musical concert by Steven Derry
Tickets £6, including buffet supper, may be purchased from Win Surtees or at the door on the night. All funds raised in aid of Christian Blind Mission.
THE REVIEW Please let Lucille Thomson have any items for the December Review by next Sunday, 19th November
Sunday November 5th
REFORM MAGAZINE – It is time to order Reform for 2018. The printed edition costs £28 per year, the digital edition costs £18 per year, and the joint edition (printed and digital) costs £34 per year. Further details from Freda Waller. Cash or cheque made out to Freda personally (so she can send just one cheque to cover all the renewals), before 19th November. New subscriptions welcome.
People prepared to commit to occasional Thursdays at 12:00 noon, preparing a bible reading to share and be willing to pray with those who turn up. This is a very informal time, but appreciated. Please contact Ruth Crofton, if you are interested.
DURHAM LUMIERE Thursday 16th – Sunday 19th November
Can anyone help to serve refreshments at North Road Methodist Church during Lumiere. There will be 2 sessions each day, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm and 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. If you can help, please contact Annette at North Road, telephone 0191 373 7446
Tuesday 7th November at 7:00 pm
Semper Reformanda
500th anniversary of the Reformation event Celebrating the Reformation 1517 – 2017
Discussion evening led by Ruth Crofton and John Durell
Wednesday 8th November 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Coffee Morning at the home of Janet and David Thornborrow, 7 St Oswalds Drive, Durham.
All money raised is in aid of Christian Blind Mission.
Wednesday 8th November at 1:30 pm
The Study Group meet at 30 Albert Street, Western Hill to study John Stott’s “The Message of the Sermon on the Mount” (pages 194 to 211)
Wednesday 8th November at 7:00 pm in the church
Church website meeting to discuss how we maintain the church website
Thursday 9th November at 10:30 am Bible Study in the Quiet Room
Thursday 9th November
Day Centre Prayer Drop-in at 12:00, lunch at 12:30 pm, and a short communion service at 1:30 pm
Saturday 18th November at 10:00 for 10:30am to 1:00 pm
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel – A Pre-Advent Quiet Morning at Jesmond URC, Newcastle, led by Revd Ruth Crofton. Please inform Alison Shiel if you will be attending email [email protected] or telephone 0191 281 3417
Thursday 30th November at 7:00 pm in the church
Musical concert by Steven Derry
Tickets £6, including buffet supper, may be purchased from Win Surtees or at the door on the night. All funds raised in aid of Christian Blind Mission.