Friday 14th – Sunday 16th October
The synod moderator, the Revd Dave Herbert, will dedicate three trees in Flass Vale Local Nature Reserve, as part of her late Majesty The Queen’s Green Canopy Platinum Jubilee Campaign. Church members and friends are invited to attend, meeting outside the church on Friday 14th October at 11.00 am.
The Three Rowan Trees will be
1) dedicated to the memory of Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II
2) to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Waddington Street URC Church
3) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the United Reformed Church
The theme of the weekend celebrations will take the form of a Harvest Festival. The church will be open on Friday and Saturday for church members and friends to decorate the church with flowers, fruit and vegetables.
The Anniversary Service on Sunday 16th October at 10.45 am will be led by the minister, the Revd Marcus Hargis. The service will be followed by a buffet lunch to which all members and friends are invited.